Build your 9-5 Escape Plan in 5 Days!

… for aspiring digital nomad entrepreneurs who want to kickstart their online business idea and optimize their money management to make a safe transition

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Join the free challenge below

Inside the 5-Day Group Challenge:

3-Part highly actionable ‘Freedom Lifestyle Checklist’ you receive when joining the Facebook group.

Daily hands-on Live Workshop based on a daily theme. We will be right beside you and help you implement the steps for your dream business and lifestyle.

5 Downloadable Worksheets for every day of the Challenge.

Our full attention and knowledge base to answer all your burning questions about starting your own business, getting started on your path to financial freedom, and having a secure transition to the freedom lifestyle you deserve!

Are you ready?

To reach REAL Freedom, you need a 3-Part holistic approach

 Kickstarting a profitabe freedom business to do what you love

✔ Investing your 9-5 salary to generate passive income

✔ Excelling in your freedom mindset to make the transition

That’s why in 5 days we will cover:

Not quite sure what your freedom lifestyle looks like?

Through a series of prompts, will work with you to identify and guide you towards your ideal freedom lifestyle and a business mission that is built around it.

You’re passionate to build your dream biz, but you don’t know which idea to pick?

On Day 2, you’ll be diving into your unique strengths and interests, and learn how to select a business idea that leverages your superpowers AND has profit potential.

Let’s get rid of the overwhelm to move faster!

You will learn to block all the noise out, and get rid of overwhelm! Together, we will craft a concrete plan for you to get started on your freedom business by focusing on the most crucial elements of your idea.

Things are getting real! 

You will be introduced to a highly-effective strategy we use for fast business validation, so you are doing impactful things in the least amount of time, and get feedback directly from the market.

Creating financial security

You might not be planning to quit your job tomorrow yet but you want to be ready financially when you decide to take the leap. You will learn how to use your current 9-5 salary to start building multiple PASSIVE (!) income streams, and accelerate YOUR 9-5 ESCAPE PLAN.

What do you think?

After the challenge, you’ll have learnt how to:

✅ Take the first few calculated steps outside your comfort zone, thanks to the checklist and daily workshops.

💸 Be financially secure while creating the business that is irresistable to the market.

🌴 Be location-dependent! Work anywhere, doing what you love. Grow your business under the palm trees if you may. 😉

✨ Believe that you deserve the best life for yourself and if others can take that leap while being financially secure.

You CAN too!

Join us in the challenge

About us

We are Anastasia Schmalz and Tomer Arwas – money mindset and startup coaches, with over 10 years of experience combined. We are corporate escapees and we know exactly how it feels to be stuck in a rut.

After many years of putting our creative dreams last, we finally took the plunge! We left our comfy jobs, bought a one-way ticket to paradise, and founded Generation Nomads. We share travel, business, and money tips that are read by over 15,000 individuals from over 170 countries.

Over the years, we made it our mission to help other millennials create a life they don’t need a vacation from and have successfully helped highly-skilled corporate talents unleash their true potential, become financially secure, and see their freedom lifestyles unfold.