Find Your Perfect Niche

Discover How You Can Help People, Sharpen What You’re Really Trying To Say, and Create Something You’re Proud to Talk About

Friday 26 April 2024

7.00 AM PST | 10.00 AM EDT | 3:00 PM WEST

As seen on ...

Do you have a bunch of business ideas, yet struggle to pinpoint the one that truly resonates with you?

In this masterclass, we dive into the art of honing in on that one idea that aligns perfectly with your passions and strengths. You’ll uncover the niche that not only excites you but also holds the best potential for success.

We’ll cover:

  • Our Signature Strategy for Picking your Perfect Niche: Align your business idea with your passions and strengths, and ensure a perfect fit for both you and your future customers.
  • The 6 Essential Ingredients for Creating a Valuable Offer: Learn the crucial elements necessary for refining your business idea and delivering significant value to your target audience.
  • How to Craft Your Authentic Voice: Learn the techniques to craft a highly resonating message that attracts fans and turns them into paying clients
  • Ways to Boost Your Confidence: Equip yourself with practical tools to position yourself confidently in your chosen niche – even if you are not feeling like an expert yet!

Hey there! We’re Anastasia & Tomer Arwas

married, parents, corporate escapees, digital nomads, and business partners; and the faces and founders of Generation Nomads. We are two millennials that set ourselves the mission to help aspiring freedom-preneurs ditch their dull 9-5 routine and finally do the thing that really makes them tick.

Nothing makes us feel more alive than helping freedom seekers start monetizing their passions, so they can replace their 9-5 income with a remote business that enables them to start their days with a yoga session on the beach, spend a handful of hours hours working from a cute cafe, and take the afternoons off for adventure!

If you have an idea for a service based business, but you don’t know how to start making money… OR you have tried to acquire clients and start doubting whether you have it “in you” to ever make an income from your business …

We can’t wait to work with you in the Freedom Business Mentorship!

FBM is a coaching experience for content creators, aspiring coaches and service providers who want to go from not confident & without plan to becoming a profitable CEO of their life! Our clients go from “just an idea” to creating and launching a valuable and marketable offer, and acquiring their very first customer.

Join us to Find Your Niche and embark on a journey to unlock the potential of your dream online business!

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