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Digital nomads don’t often openly talk about money. It’s the lifestyle that counts. Being able to travel everywhere in the world and work remotely. We decided to change that! Together with Finimize, we have had the pleasure to host the first Finimze event in Bali on 30th of May 2019 in Outpost Ubud coworking space.

In this post we provide you with a video recording of the event, links to posts we have written about the topic of FIRE, and the slides from the event.

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Finimize event in Bali

Considering the crowd, we titled the event:

How to travel without worrying about money?

While digital nomads are proudly saying they can travel anywhere in the world, and are as flexible as anyone could be. They cannot ignore the fact that they work to support this lifestyle. Some might even work way too much that they don’t get to enjoy it at all. 

That’s why we thought it was important to share the concept of Financial Independence Retire Early. We talked about how passive income can ease the pressure on digital nomads. 

During the event we explained the term FIRE, our experience andearly retirement in Asia, and a 5-step guide we created for reaching financial freedom. 

We have received many requests from the Finimze community and our Instagram community to provide the contents of the event for those who could not attend.

If you are interested in visiting a co-working or co-living space, check out They have the biggest database of co-living and co-working spaces out there. 

Blog posts about Financial Independence, Retire Early

  1. How to Travel and Not Worry About Money
  2. Our TOP 8 resources to reach financial independence for travellers

Slides from the Finimize event in Bali

Video recording of the Finimize event in Bali